FAQ Topic: Marijuana Industry (Medical/Rec)
The following attached ordinance was adopted by the Kalamazoo Township Board on November 27, 2017 with an amendment changing the application date from December 1, 2017 to March 1, 2018.The Ordinance sets no limit for the number of marijuana facilities located in the Township. The number of facilities may be limited by the number of … Continued
In 2008, Michigan voters voted to allow the medical use of marihuana within prescribed parameters for the alleviation of certain medical conditions. Thereafter, the Michigan Legislature adopted the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA), that regulates the use of marihuana for medical purposes by qualifying patients and primary caregivers. The use of medical marihuana as allowed … Continued
The Township’s Zoning Ordinance for Medical Marijuana Facilities (Ordinance 595) went through a public hearing with the Planning Commission on February 8, 2020, and was given to the Board of Trustees for first reading on February 12, 2020. The Board of Trustees voted to adopt the ordinance at a special meeting on February 20, 2020. … Continued
Review the Process to Apply for a Charter Township of Kalamazoo Marijuana Facility/Establishment Permit and submit an Initial Application for a Marijuana Facility/Establishment in the Charter Township of Kalamazoo.