Job Overview In addition to full-time fire department personnel, the Township of Kalamazoo Fire Department maintains approximately 65 part-time, paid on-call firefighters. Paid on-call firefighters are area residents who respond to emergency situations as needed and work under the general supervision of the officers of the department. Paid on-call firefighters perform the duties of emergency...
Emergency Preparedness Tips As the Township moves from the use of the emergency warning sirens, residents should take the time to become more familiar with planning ahead for disasters. The increased push for family preparedness is an important first step to assist with the recovery of our community in the event of a disaster. The...
Federal W-9 Form The Township must maintain an up-to-date Federal W-9 form for each business entity it interacts with. A link to the current W-9 form is below.
A split of a parcel or tract of land requires the approval of the Charter Township of Kalamazoo before a sale of a portion of the parcel occurs. This approval requires compliance with the Land Division Act (Public Act 591 of 1996), compliance with the Charter township of Kalamazoo Zoning Ordinance, and full payment of...
This form is to notify the Township Assessor that a combination of properties is desired. There is no fee to complete and submit this form. You must provide a legal description that combines all un-platted parcels with this application, as the Assessor's office cannot write legal descriptions.
Exemption for qualifying religious, library, benevolent, charitable, educational or scientific institution properties. To request a property tax exemption you must file this application, along with copies of documents listed in the application on page five (5). The application must be received by the Assessor's Office no later than February 15th of the year in which...
Administration Acting Fire Chief Michael J. Weidemann 1720 Riverview Drive Kalamazoo, MI 49004 Phone: (269)-381-8080 ext. 124 Fax: (269) 381-3550 Email: Station 1 - Northwood Battalion Chief Jairus Baird 2617 North Burdick Street Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Phone: (269) 344-1466 Fax: (269) 344-9904 Email: Station 2 - Eastwood 2703 East Main Street Kalamazoo, MI 49048 Phone: ...