Due to freezing temperatures and continued snowfall, Kalamazoo Township Offices will be closed on Tuesday, January 21st. Stay warm!


Fee Schedule

Download the Fee Schedule

Planning and Zoning Fee Schedule

Special Uses Applications

Special Use Application $600 + $1000 escrow
Amendment $600 + $1000 escrow

Site Plan Applications

Special Meeting $600 + $1000 escrow
Site Plan Amendment - Major $600 + $3600 escrow
Site Plan Amendment - Minor $300 + $1800 escrow
Preliminary Site Sketch Plan/Concept Plan $500 escrow
Cell Towers

Site Plan Review - Following Reviews



Site Plan Review

<6 Dwelling Units or <1,500 s.f. $600 + $3600 escrow
6-99 Dwelling Units or 1,501 s.f. to 50,000 s.f. $720 + $3600 escrow
100 Dwelling Units or >50,001 s.f. $840 + $3600 escrow
Plat/Condominiums $1080 + $2000 escrow

Residential Permits

Residential Accessory Building - 200 s.f. and under $100
Residential Accessory Building - 201 s.f. or larger $100
Residential Administrative Approval $100
Home Occupation $250
Home-Based Business $600 + $1000 escrow

Commercial Permits

Zoning Approval where no Building Permit is Required $100
Sign Permit/Approval $110
Temporary Sign $100

Zoning Board of Appeals

Variance Request $600 + $500 escrow
Ordinance Interpretation by ZBA $600 + $500 escrow
Sign Variance $600 + $1000 escrow
Special Meeting - Zoning Board of Appeals $600 + $550 escrow

Zoning or Master Plan Amendments

Rezoning Map Amendment $600 + $1800 escrow
Text Amendment $600 + $1800 escrow
Master Plan Amendment $600 + $1800 escrow

Other Fees

Zoning Verification Letter $100
Land Division $120 + $450 escrow
Floodplain $100
Used Car Dealership - Annual $120
Salvage Yard $120
Temporary Use - Less than 30 days $180
Temporary Use - 30 days or more $360
Entertainment - Annual $120
Sand, Gravel, Other Mineral - Annual $120
Rental Home Permit for 2 years $120
Collection/Donation Box, No Bin $120
Failure to Obtain a Permit Double
Pre-Application Conference with the Township Planner, Zoning Administrator, and Fire Marshal during Planner's office hours.** $100 per hour
Pre-Application Conference with the Township Planner, Zoning Administrator, and Fire Marshal outside of Planner's office hours.** $300 per hour
Conceptual Review by Planning Commission or Township Board (per Article 26 Section 26.02.C.2.) See corresponding fees above

**Note: Any extra consultation or review outside of this meeting may require additional fees and escrow payment (per Article 26 Section 26.02.C.1.)


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