Due to multiple infrastructure failures being repaired, the entire township hall building will be closed on Monday, March 17, 2025.

2023 Ice Storm: February 28, 2023

Posted on February 28, 2023


Dexter Mitchell

Township Manager

Administrative Offices: (269) 381-8085

Fax: (269) 381-6930

1720 Riverview Drive

Kalamazoo, MI 49004-1056



 DATE: Tuesday, February 28, 2023

On February 27, 2023, the Township of Kalamazoo Board, announced its plans for cleanup from the February 2023 ICE STORM which damaged multiple areas in Kalamazoo Township and the surrounding municipalities. A state of emergency was called by Kalamazoo County on February 23, 2023. The Township of Kalamazoo is asking for all residents to be patient during this time.

 Details of the Cleanup:

  • Starting February 28, 2023, the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County (RCKC) will have two Road Crews working in the Township addressing areas. Their focus will be on picking up what the Road Commission has cut to open the roads. This will not focus on yard cleanup or debris outside of what RCKC cut.
  • Option one: Township residents will be able to drop off debris starting February 28, 2023, at Mulders Landscape located at 3333 Ravine Road. Please have your ID showing that you are a resident of Kalamazoo Township. Mulders hours for drop off are Monday- Friday 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM.
  • Option Two: Starting no later than Thursday, March 9, 2023. The Township contractor will come through and start picking up limbs and brush from the curbside of our residents. The contractor will have two crews addressing the areas. They will be starting in Westwood and Eastwood following RCKC.
  • Debris must be on your curbside, but not in the road.
  • The length of the debris must be no longer than five (5) feet.
  • The diameter or width does not matter.
  • The cubic yardage does not matter. (This is a one-time thing)
  • The weight does not matter (you must be able to move it to the curbside)
  • This is a one-time pass though please have all debris on your curbside before March 9, 2023.


NEWS RELEASE: Dexter Mitchell, Township Manager


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